5 Stages of Construction Management

Construction management is described as the process of coordinating, planning and providing control and monitoring of a construction project. As the name implies, this style of project management is designed for the construction industry. Environmental, residential, industrial, commercial and civil construction all use the methodology of construction management in their way of running projects.

Five Stages of Construction Management

1. Project Initiation and Conception

In this first phase, the owner assembles his or her team of experts such as the contractor and designer and shares his idea on the certain project. As a collective, the team decides whether or not the project is practical and if it is achievable within the desired time frame. This team of trusted work partners will commence in conducting meticulous research to determine both the cost and scope of the project.

2. Project Planning/ Definition

This stage can only take place once the whole team comes to an agreement and approves of the idea. They then proceed to put the plan in writing as this helps to ensure all team members understand the way forward and are on the same page as each other in terms of the steps they need to take to finish the project effectively.

3. Project Execution/ Launch

In this next step in the construction project life cycle, the project takes its form and comes to life as the team develops as a collective deliverables to satisfy their target customers. Since there is a plan already made in the second phase, the team in turn uses it as a guide in order ensure allocation of resources is done accordingly and also to assign specific tasks for completion. For more information, visit Baycrest.

4. Project Control/ Performance

Monitoring is the main order of the day in the fourth phase. Project Launch/Execution goes hand in hand with this phase as the both occur at the same time. Project managers track the progress of the project in order to ensure everything is on track. Specific key performance indicators (KPI’s) for quality, cost and time are utilized once they have been selected.

5. Project Close

This final stage occurs once the team has executed all the deliverables and delivers it to the satisfied customer. Only then can they close the project. This last stage is very important as it helps the team members document, evaluate and learn from the project. It also helps team members take note of the issues they faced during the undertaking of this project so as to make improvements or avoid them all together when executing new projects in the future.

The understanding of these 5 phases helps ensure that during the process of construction project management, the operation in turn runs efficiently and much easier.